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Cuyahoga Falls City School District

The hub of our community, committed to a culture of caring! We innovate. We create. We personalize education for all!

Food and Nutrition Services

Department Overview

Dear Black Tiger Families,

We are pleased to provide you with information about the school nutrition program offered by our Black Tiger Cafés. Our goal is to provide students with healthy and delicious meals that will fuel their bodies and minds, and help them succeed in their academic and personal pursuits.

The Black Tiger Café menu includes a range of nutritious and tasty items, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. 

Our Cafés participates in the National School Lunch Program, which means that our meals meet the USDA's nutrition standards. We follow strict guidelines to ensure that our meals are balanced, healthy, and safe for students to consume.

We encourage parents to get involved in our school nutrition program. You can review our menu, and provide feedback. Your input is valuable and will help us improve our program and meet the needs of our students.

 If you have any questions or concerns about our school nutrition program, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to providing your child with the best possible nutrition and support their overall well-being.



Chef Bill Bailey
Nutrition & Food Service Supervisor  

Meal Pricing

Elementary Schools$1.20$2.50
Middle Schools$1.75$3.00
High School$1.95$3.35

Single cartons of 1% white and fat free chocolate milk are available for purchase for $0.50.  

Visit PaySchools Central - Manage Student Account to add funds to your student's account.


How to navigate the the school lunch menu page (Clink here)

Our Team operates on four core beliefs:
  • Serve students with dignity and respect.
  • Offer healthy and tasty meals daily.
  • Communication and teamwork build morale and increase productivity.
  • Maintain fiscal responsibility.

* Healthy Eating *Healthy Body *Healthy You     
"As a team, we have a responsibility to serve nutritious, wholesome, and safe meals. We follow the HEALTHY HUNGER-FREE ACT OF 2010.  These are guidelines to assure all of our students are getting a well-balanced school lunch. Our team serves approximately 4100 students in the district’s nine schools. Our breakfast and lunch programs are operated under the direction of the United States Department of Agriculture, Ohio Department of Education, and Summit County Health Department."

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Latest News & Updates from The Nutrition & Food Service Department

Exciting News Regarding Reduced Meal Assistance

To Parents of School Students,

Exciting News Regarding Reduced Meal Assistance: The Ohio Department of Education is delighted to inform you that the State of Ohio's FY24-FY25 biennial budget has allocated funds to cover the expenses associated with providing complimentary breakfast and lunch to students who qualify for reduced-price meals. Commencing from the 2023-2024 school year, the budgetary provisions mandate that public and chartered nonpublic schools participating in the National School Breakfast or Lunch Program offer breakfast or lunch to eligible students at no cost. Subsequently, the state will reimburse schools at a rate of 30 cents for each reduced-price breakfast served and 40 cents for each reduced-price lunch served.

This new policy, effective as of October 3, 2023, necessitates all participating schools to provide no-cost meals to eligible students. Although schools have the option to begin the school year without collecting money from reduced-price students, they are strongly encouraged to do so. Reduced Price Meal Reimbursement will be applicable for meals served starting from the first school day of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Rest assured, schools will continue to assess students for free or reduced meals, record and claim meals as free, reduced, or paid. The significant change is that, starting from the 2023-2024 school year, schools will no longer collect money from students eligible for reduced-price meals. As the final details for reimbursing schools for the reduced-price breakfasts and lunches are established, the Department will keep you informed through further updates.

Your cooperation and support in this endeavor are greatly appreciated as we strive to enhance the well-being of our students.

Warm regards,
Chef Bill Bailey
Nutrition & Food Service Supervisor
[email protected]

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Due to manufacturer shortages, menus are subject to change.
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Chef Bill Bailey
Nutrition and Food Service Supervisor
330-926-3800 ext. 502034
[email protected]

Nutrition and Food Service Department Location
2834 Vincent St.
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
© 2024. Cuyahoga Falls City School District. All Rights Reserved.