Dear Silver Lake Family,
Our school year is moving along quickly. We have made it to winter time and that brings excitement, changes, and challenges. We want to continue to support your student the best that we can. Here are some helpful tips to continue with success!
- Classroom teacher: The first person to ask when you have a question is the classroom teacher. The classroom teacher is the person that spends the majority of the day your student. The teacher observes your student’s learning, how your student is interacting with the curriculum, and how your student problem solves. The classroom teacher builds a strong relationship with your student. The teacher watches and supports your student’s social relationships. The classroom teacher wants each student to have a successful learning day and an enjoyable day relating to peers. Please contact and trust your student’s teacher when you have a concern. The teacher is the best resource for support.
- Safety:We have procedures in place to help your child practice safety as well as learn safe procedures. We teach the students about our arrival and dismissal procedures, about fire drills, place and secures, and lock down drills. Here is a reminder of what we review with the students.
- Arrival and Dismissal procedures are designed for the safety all of students and staff members. Please respect the procedures that we have. These procedures are for everyone.
- There is no parking on Overlook Drive during arrival times. Students are of school age and able to walk into the school independently. Overlook Drive is for drop off only.
- The back of the building is for K students and bus riders before and after school.
- There is no double parking on Overlook Drive for any reasons.
- The school grounds are closed after school until 3:45. Students are not permitted to stay and play on the grounds after school for safety reasons. In order to ensure that all students have returned safely home, the grounds are to be exited and cleared until 3:45 for students and families.
- Late arrivals: If you are arriving to school late, please come to the front door and buzz in. Mrs. Gerber will let you in, have your parent sign you in, and give you a pass to go to class.
- Change of after school routine: Please do your best to have all after school routines established and communicated to your student before the school day. All after school routines changes should be communicated to the office before 12:00 in order to inform the classroom teacher and student properly.
- Changes in after school routines should only take place in an emergency.
- Winter weather: The winter weather can pose some new family challenges. Please make sure that you dress your student for the weather every single day. If you are struggling with winter coat, hats, or gloves for your student, please notify the classroom teacher. We have resources that we can try to use to support your needs. Please remember to label all winter wear. Students are to be prepared to play outside at recess every day unless the weather in below 30º. Our hope is for students to be outside in the fresh air and exercising daily.
Our goal is for students to enjoy their day learning in a safe environment that promotes kindness and encourages individuality. We want students to grow as individuals as they prepare to be skilled members of the 21st century community.
For more information, please visit the classroom teachers’ websites, district calendars, and classroom newsletters.
Rachael L. Seifert, Principal
Silver Lake Elementary School