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Voice Recognition
Welcome to the Cuyahoga Falls City School District.

Cuyahoga Falls City School District

The hub of our community, committed to a culture of caring! We innovate. We create. We personalize education for all!

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Price Elementary Family,

As the 2023-24 school year comes to a close, I am excited to share some of the wonderful achievements and events that took place at Price throughout the year:

  • We began the school year with an impressive Ohio School Report Card, earning a 4-star rating. Price Elementary has significantly exceeded state benchmarks in narrowing educational disparities within diverse student subgroups, particularly in English Language Arts and Mathematics. 

  • This year, we partnered with Asian Services in Action (ASIA) to develop an after-school program held twice a week at the Schnee Learning Center. This program served 22 of our students of Asian or Pacific Islander descent, offering tutoring, recreation, mentorship, and field trips. Students also learned essential life skills such as cooking and budgeting.

  • We celebrated our second annual Storybook Character Day in conjunction with National Red Ribbon Week. Students dressed as their favorite book characters and brought their books to share with others. This year also featured our first-ever Storybook Character Parade around the block, where families and neighbors came out to watch.

  • Some of our dedicated staff members launched the first Girls on the Run (GOTR) team at Price, with 10 girls in grades 3-5 participating. GOTR is a non-profit organization that focuses on empowering young girls through a curriculum that combines running with lessons on self-esteem, healthy living, and community involvement.  Additionally, our counselor conducted a Morning Mindfulness group once a week for 8 weeks, with students in grades 3-5 practicing breath awareness, mindful movements, creative expression, and focus activities.

  • Price Elementary was honored to receive a generous $5,000 Adopt-a-Classroom donation from Burlington upon the opening of their new store in Cuyahoga Falls. This amazing gift provided approximately $830 per grade level for teacher teams to purchase various classroom items and resources for students.

  • We wrapped up the school year with two of our students' most favorite days. First was our annual Price Community Day, where every child from kindergarten through 5th grade pitches in to beautify our school by gardening, weeding, mulching, cleaning, and even painting. The second event was our amazing Price Field Day, where over 30 parent volunteers assisted students through a variety of fun-filled stations. The day concluded with a water balloon splash of the principal for the winners of the Price PTO Change Wars fundraiser. You can check out a video capturing the excitement of the day here at this link.

A heartfelt thank you to our parents and guardians for your ongoing love and support. Our students' success is a result of the collaborative efforts between home and school. I am also deeply grateful for our exceptional staff. Their passion and dedication have significantly strengthened our students academically and socially-emotionally. Together, we make a tremendous difference.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer filled with memorable moments. Stay safe, keep reading, and I look forward to another great school year together and to seeing you all on our first day of school, Tuesday, August 20th!

Mrs. Amanda Wycuff
Principal, Price Elementary School

June 2024


Principal: Amanda L. Wycuff
[email protected]
© 2024. Price Elementary School. All Rights Reserved.