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Voice Recognition
Welcome to the Cuyahoga Falls City School District.

Cuyahoga Falls City School District

The hub of our community, committed to a culture of caring! We innovate. We create. We personalize education for all!

Title 1 at SLE

Title I is a Federal aid program through which most Ohio school districts receive funding to provide supplemental instruction for those students who qualify. The Cuyahoga Falls Title I Program is conducted during the regular school year and is dedicated to serving students in the elementary grades. Focused assessment throughout the school year provides an ongoing record of student progress, which enables our teachers to tailor instruction to meet the specific needs of each child.

Program Design:

  • Limited pullout, in which children are removed from their classrooms (usually on a daily basis) for a limited period of time for intensive instruction);
  • In-class, in which Title I children receive extra assistance in the same setting and time period as their regular class.

Every Title I instructor in the Cuyahoga Falls City Schools system is a certificated/licensed teacher. Our title teachers were recently trained on UFLI. UFLI is built around a progressive scope and sequence and reinforces both phonics and phonemic awareness.

Reading is Fun!

Literacy Walls

This is our Vowel Valley.  As we learn and master our vowels the "locks" will be removed.

This is our consonants chart.  We will reveal the "locks" as we master them. 

Meet Ms. Nguyen

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